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(racconto narrativa, breve)  di nwFlavio Capelli
pubblicata il 12/04/2017 - Tempo di lettura: meno di 10 minuti
Descrizione: An unusual outlaw MC made up of former scientists; their latest prospect Neutrino is facing the enemy for the first time.
incipit: Neutrino was standing there, nervously handling his homemade blackjack. He was quite proud of it, he made it himself old school: a spring from some discarded piece of machinery, an eggshell as form for the weight… but no pure lead, it was too difficult to find in those days. So he used solder, stolen from the Electronics lab. Then he wrapped the whole thing in duct tape, that one hadn't changed in centuries.

(racconto scienza, lungo)  di nwPaolo Maccallini
pubblicata il 04/08/2017 - Tempo di lettura: un'ora o più
Descrizione: In these notes I present a software (which I wrote in Octave) that finds the best global alignment between two peptides, using the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm.

(racconto fantascienza, breve)  di nwFlavio Capelli
pubblicata il 22/10/2016 - Tempo di lettura: circa 5 minuti
Descrizione: The terrorists have taken control of the satellite. Will the manual control system save the day?
incipit: The Colonel was sleeping soundly in his quarters at the base. He always did sleep soundly when he knew he did a good job. His phone rang, and after few rings he was awake, only a little groggy. The call came from CONTCOM. The Colonel lifted the handset and announced: "Colonel Green here, what is it CONTCOM?" "Sir, we have lost control of Pterodactyl One.", the Captain on the other side reported flatly. "Is the craft lost?", he inquired. "No sir, the craft is functional but unresponsive."

(racconto scienza, lungo)  di nwPaolo Maccallini
pubblicata il 03/09/2016 - Tempo di lettura: meno di 1 minuto
Descrizione: In this document we provide a brief and easy to use synthesis for how to set parameters such as substitution matrix, gap penalties, λ, and K and how to calculate the minimal significant score of a gapped local alignment between two peptides.

(racconto horror, breve)  di nwFlavio Capelli
pubblicata il 27/07/2016 - Tempo di lettura: circa 5 minuti
Descrizione: Undecided between Italian and English, I decided to publish both version of my work.
incipit: In the harsh and frigid emptiness of space, Kadath races on its orbit and spins under the blanket of clouds mercifully hiding its horrors.

(racconto narrativa, breve)  di nwFlavio Capelli
pubblicata il 17/09/2015 - Tempo di lettura: meno di 5 minuti
Descrizione: A story in english for a bit of fun against narrative tropes.
incipit: It was the third hour of Mark's graveyard shift, and he did do understand why it got that nickname. Nothing happened, and he was all alone in the control room of the Olefins Unit. There used to be two operators even for the night shift until the whole process control system was revamped with a brand new, highly automated, one; now it was only him, and another operator and the supervisor in the central control room half a kilometer away.

(pittura altro)  di nwEldon Luarasi
pubblicata il 24/02/2015 - Tempo di lettura: meno di 1 minuto
Descrizione: 60x60 cm oil on canvas.

(pittura altro)  di nwEldon Luarasi
pubblicata il 24/02/2015 - Tempo di lettura: meno di 1 minuto
Descrizione: da definire...

(racconto narrativa, breve)  di nwFlavio Capelli
pubblicata il 10/01/2015 - Tempo di lettura: circa 5 minuti
Descrizione: Cosa può accadere in un grigio giorno di pioggia nella Pianura Padana? (in inglese)
incipit: Luca left work barely five minutes after the beginning of the lunch break – it was always like that, a few minutes more here and there. But the environment was nice enough, his colleagues were pleasant to be around and the boss wasn't much of a ballbuster.

(racconto fantascienza, breve)  di nwDixit
pubblicata il 17/05/2014 - Tempo di lettura: meno di 5 minuti
Descrizione: The project ELPESIT, acronymus for Earth Like Planet Explorer Space Interferometer Telescope, is a fundamental plan that aims to study Earths like planets orbiting other stars, at a level of detail never reached before by technology.
incipit: The project ELPESIT, acronymus for Earth Like Planet Explorer Space Interferometer Telescope, is a fundamental plan that aims to study Earths like planets orbiting other stars, at a level of detail never reached before by technology. The project consists of a pair of reflective space telescopes of aperture of 15 meters, put each in one of the two stable Lagrange points (L4 and L5) of the Earth – Moon system, in order to obtain a giant telescope system that have an enormous aperture…

(saggio altro, breve)  di nwPaolo Maccallini
pubblicata il 23/03/2014 - Tempo di lettura: meno di 1 minuto
Descrizione: da definire...

(poesia narrativa, brevissimo)  di nwGiovanni Minio
pubblicata il 02/11/2013 - Tempo di lettura: meno di 1 minuto
Descrizione: da definire...
incipit: After… came the Afternaut…

(racconto fantasy, breve)  di nwMarino Maiorino
pubblicata il 19/10/2012 - Tempo di lettura: meno di 1 minuto
Descrizione: Poema in Inglese ('nzomma… un po' maccheronico, ma a me piace!), tema fantasy. Scrivevo cose così taaaanti anni fa :) Un cavaliere subisce il peggiore dei sortilegi, ed è incapace di avvedersene.
incipit: Horse is Tired Horse is tired, noble Ridder, haven't you realized it yet? Breath is heavy, steps are…

(racconto umorismo, brevissimo)  di nwStella Demaris
pubblicata il 05/10/2012 - Tempo di lettura: meno di 1 minuto
Descrizione: A new, humourous version of the famous fairy tale written by Charles Perrault: "Little Red Riding Hood".
incipit: In a small village deep in the countryside lived a little girl who was the most beautiful child that ever lived in that neck of the woods. Her mother was very proud of her, and her grandmother was even more so. Since winter was approaching, her grandmother made her a little red cape with a hood, and the little girl always wore it when she went out. "How cute you are with your little red cape, " said all the inhabitants of the village, and she smiled and bowed her head.

(racconto narrativa, breve)  di nwMassimo Baglione
pubblicata il 16/10/2007 - Tempo di lettura: circa 1 minuto
Descrizione: This short story has participated in a competition which had as layout the setting of the work in one of the sites classified as UNESCO World Heritage. No more than 2500 words.
incipit: Barbara was dreadfully rich. She was so rich that she could buy everything and she's still have enough money to do what she wanted, for her and all her future generations. But her dreams were different…

(racconto narrativa, breve)  di nwMassimo Baglione
pubblicata il 25/09/2007 - Tempo di lettura: circa 1 minuto
Descrizione: A short lapse of my childhood.
incipit: When I was a little boy and I lived at my grandparents' the whole house was warmed up by a wood stove… remember those old stoves with the hot plate made up of concentric discs? My grandfather used to get the woods. He went out with his legendary Renault 6, a car similar to a station wagon but better sprung than a gondola in the Grand Canal…

(racconto narrativa, brevissimo)  di nwMassimo Baglione
pubblicata il 06/08/2007 - Tempo di lettura: meno di 1 minuto
Descrizione: Oh yes, sometimes it's exactly like that!
incipit: I have met so many different women, I have loved, admired and appreciated them. They have often left in me nice memories. Some of them used to teach me, some of them used to educate me, others used to abuse me. But now, really, I can divide them all into two types: the "Cards" women and the "Chess" women…


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Pagina caricata in 0.21 secondi.

Dedicato a tutti coloro che hanno scoperto di avere un cervello,
che hanno capito che non serve solo a riempire il cranio e che
patiscono quell'arrogante formicolio che dalle loro budella
striscia implacabile fino a detonare dalle loro mani.

A voi, astanti ed esteti dell'arte.

(Sam L. Basie)

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contributed to our growth with their suggestions and ideas.