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No problems poses problems (publicistics and philosophical judgments) – Zeroth Year

(saggio filosofia, lungo - per tutti)
56 visite dal 03/02/2022, l'ultima: 1 giorno fa.
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Descrizione: This is my, probably last, book with publicistics, or philosophical judgments about everything, which are chiefly cynical (i.e. realistic), also with some etymologies and funny verses. I hope to continue it for 5 more years, where 2020 is the zeroth.

Incipit: In English. Contents of This Year || 0.00. Why This Book? | 0.01. Why This Title? About The Difficulties | 0.02. About Bulgarian Deplorable Conditions And Barbarity | 0.03. About World Population | 0.04. More About Bulgarian Barbarity | 0.05. About Emancipation | 0.06. About Going to Pension | 0.07. About Future Social Allowances | 0.08. About Exploitation | 0.09. About Communism and Fascism | 0.10. About Gloria Mundi ||

No problems poses problems (publicistics and philosophical judgments) – Zeroth Year
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#funny(65)    #judgments(4)    #philosophy(28)    #publicistics(10)    #thoughts(4)    #untraditional(4)    #verses(6)    #in english(16)

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No problems poses problems (publicistics and philosophical judgments) – Zeroth Year di Chris Myrski è pubblicata sotto licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Non opere derivate 3.0 Italia.
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Elenco delle opere che condividono una o più tag con questa opera

Descrizione: The paper is in German. Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative about both, our democratic poverty, and our barbarity.
incipit: *_CONTENTS_* (in the corresponding language) | In the first part: | Title & Contents -1. Preliminary remarks | 0. Picturing of the situation | 1. First letter | 2. Second letter | 3. Third letter | 4. Fourth letter | 5. Fifth letter | 6. Sixth letter | +1. Intermediate conclusion | In the second part: | -2. Short second introduction | 7. Seventh letter | 8. Eighth letter | 9. Ninth letter | 10. Tenth letter | 11. Eleventh letter | 12. Twelfth letter | +2. Closing remarks ||

tags: #barbarity(8)    #democracy(29)    #funny(65)    #neighbours(4)    #real letters(4)    #bulgaria(14)

Descrizione: In Russian. Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big apartment building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative about both, our democratic poverty, and our barbarity.
incipit: *_CONTENTS_* (in the corresponding language) | In the first part: | Title & Contents -1. Preliminary remarks | 0. Picturing of the situation | 1. First letter | 2. Second letter | 3. Third letter | 4. Fourth letter | 5. Fifth letter | 6. Sixth letter | +1. Intermediate conclusion | In the second part: | -2. Short second introduction | 7. Seventh letter | 8. Eighth letter | 9. Ninth letter | 10. Tenth letter | 11. Eleventh letter | 12. Twelfth letter | +2. Closing remarks ||

tags: #barbarity(8)    #democracy(29)    #funny(65)    #neighbours(4)    #real letters(4)    #bulgaria(14)

Descrizione: The paper is in Bulgarian. Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative about both, our democratic poverty, and our barbarity.
incipit: *_CONTENTS_* (in the corresponding language) | In the first part: | Title & Contents -1. Preliminary remarks | 0. Picturing of the situation | 1. First letter | 2. Second letter | 3. Third letter | 4. Fourth letter | 5. Fifth letter | 6. Sixth letter | +1. Intermediate conclusion | In the second part: | -2. Short second introduction | 7. Seventh letter | 8. Eighth letter | 9. Ninth letter | 10. Tenth letter | 11. Eleventh letter | 12. Twelfth letter | +2. Closing remarks ||

tags: #barbarity(8)    #democracy(29)    #funny(65)    #neighbours(4)    #real letters(4)    #bulgaria(14)

Descrizione: This is mixed collection of funny, philosoph., sexy, and of other sorts verses, ordered chronologically, and divided by the languages, where only the poetry (with some explans) as %s as full gives: Bul – 93.5 %, Eng – 4.0 %, Ger – 0.4 %, Rus – 2.1 %.
incipit: Continues. These are not really lyrical verses, yet they are in my usual thoughtful & joyful style, and can make you laugh and think, they illustrate some interesting thoughts and ideas. Here all is written in one year, little by little, between writing of serious things, and I intend to continue in this way for several years. In the short version cut is only the Bul, so that these verses are about 2 times the others. There is an Appendix: Some old verses in English (which are counted as %s).

tags: #cynically(5)    #funny(65)    #in bulgarian(28)    #in english(16)    #in german(5)    #in russian(17)    #originally(9)    #philosophically(27)    #sexy(32)    #light verses(13)

Descrizione: This is my, probably last, book with publicistics, or philosophical judgments about everything, which are chiefly cynical (i.e. realistic), also with some etymologies and funny verses. I hope to continue it for 5 more years, where 2023 is the third.
incipit: In English. Contents of Third Year || 3.00. Between Barbarity and Morality | 3.01. About main current and lateral rivulets | 3.02. About the toleration to the different | 3.03. About the freedom and the slavery | 3.04. About no demand for good deeds | 3.05. About the barbarity of … the laws | 3.06. About Bulgarian people | 3.07. About Bulgarian language | 3.08. About Bulgarian … perdition | 3.09. About the communism and … the Zionism | 3.10. About the niceness of civilized … barbarity ||

tags: #funny(65)    #in english(16)    #judgments(4)    #philosophy(28)    #thoughts(4)    #untraditional(4)    #verses(6)    #publicistics(10)

Descrizione: This is political pamphlet destined for Bulgarians but written in English, yet the only national moments here are the names. This is also demolishing critique of whole democratic system.
incipit: *_CONTENTS_*|-5. Introduction|-4. Remarks about Cyrillic transliteration|-3. NAPUK Party|-2. ARABI Party|-1. BARUT Party|00. PPP Party|01. MTP, Mango-Tango Party|02. RPR / 'RFR' Party|03. ZHUZHI Party|04. Cosa Narco Party|05. EMI Party|06. Sentimental Party / PSP|07. Goody Party|08. PEPI Party|09. BUM Party|10. URA Party|11. SSS Party|12. FFF Party|13. Gughul / 'Gyl-gyl' Party|14. AREBE / Contra-Advertising Party|15. 'BEÈ' Party|16. 'KKK' / CCS Party|17. 'VGZ' / LGA Party|20. Conclusion||

tags: #democratic critique(1)    #philosophically(27)    #political jokes(1)    #reasonably(6)    #sarcastic(3)    #funny(65)

Descrizione: A popular study about the communism as religion, scientifically elaborated, from /apolitical/ point of view (such that the communists don't agree with it), also with elements of SF about one new religion, and with multilingual poetical Appendix.
incipit: Despite the various discussions about the benefits or disadvantages of communism, discussions which usually don't lead to undivided conclusions, because each thing depends on the time and place, each medicine — on the dose, each government — on the object of governing, each democracy — on the demos, et cetera, it seems that this consideration is necessary for Bulgarian (and not only) people, or at least for its thoughtful part. It is necessary not so much to find new culprits, but…

tags: #atheism(9)    #communism(14)    #impartiality(5)    #multilingua(6)    #philosophy(28)    #science fiction(5)    #utopia(13)    #religion(16)

Descrizione: Это популярная студия о коммунизме как религия, научно разработанная, с /аполитичной/ точки зрения (так что и коммунисты не согласны с тезами), да с элементами НФ в конце об одной новой религии, плюс много-язычное стихотворение как Приложение.
incipit: Не смотря на обильное множество дискуссий о вреде или пользе коммунизма, дискуссии, которые обычно не приводят к неопровержимым выводам, потому что всё зависит от места и времени: любое лечебное средство — от дозы, любое управление — от объекта управления, любая демократия — от "демоса", и другие примеры, по всей видимости данное рассмотрение необходимо болгарскому (а и русскому) народу, или хотя бы его мыслящей части. Необходимо не для того, чтобы найти новых лиц, виноватых для кризы, но…

tags: #communism(14)    #impartiality(5)    #multilingua(6)    #philosophy(28)    #religion(16)    #russian(3)    #science fiction(5)    #utopia(13)    #atheism(9)

Descrizione: Това е популярна студия за комунизма като религия, научно разработена, от /аполитична/ гледна точка (така че и комунистите не са съгласни с тезите), с елементи на НФ в края за една нова религия, плюс много-езично стихотворение като Приложение.
incipit: Въпреки многократните разисквания за вредата или ползата от комунизма, разисквания, които обикновено не водят до безспорни изводи, защото всяко нещо зависи от времето и мястото, всяко лекарство — от дозата, всяко управление — от обекта на управление, всяка демокрация — от демоса, и прочее, изглежда че настоящото разглеждане е необходимо за нашия народ, или поне за мислещата част от него. Необходимо е не толкова за да открие нови виновници за кризата или катастрофата в България, а за да…

tags: #atheism(9)    #impartiality(5)    #in bulgarian(28)    #multilingua(6)    #philosophy(28)    #religion(16)    #science fiction(5)    #utopia(13)    #communism(14)

(saggio altro, lunghissimo)  di Chris Myrski
Descrizione: This is philosophical book, but it is popular & without special terms so that is accessible for all. To a certain extent the cynicism is a worldview that does not preach moral and does not idealize the things yet gives serious look about the world.
incipit: This is serious reading, not for falling asleep, yet the cynicism of the author is chiefly in this, to pronounce various, even shocking, statements, not making efforts for applying of the necessary anti-shock therapy, when these statements are true in many life situations, because of primary value for him is the truthfulness of the said, not its aesthetical, moral, ideological, etc. sides. There is, however, one important moment with the cynicism: it may be shocking, but it is /interesting/.

tags: #constitution of cynicland(4)    #democracy(29)    #future(57)    #intellect(4)    #justice(3)    #mankind(3)    #philosophy(28)    #popularly(44)    #population(4)    #creation(10)

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