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Wed 03 July, 02:19:20

Elenenco delle opere (4) relazionate dal tag "IN GERMAN"

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(racconto politico, lunghissimo)  di nwChris Myrski
Descrizione: In German. Dieses Genre nenne ich "Politistik", als alles, was über die Sozialpolitik gesagt werden kann, hier etwas wie politische Science-Fiction oder verschiedene Utopien, aber auch Kritik der Demokratie.
incipit: In German. Das Buch sieht aus wie eine Sammlung von Manifesten von Dutzend politischen Parteien (plus 2 Zusätze). Sie sind sehr verschieden, hauptsächlich ironisch oder satirisch, aber völlig vernünftig. Die gemeinsame verbindende Idee ist, dass jeder von ihnen ein /ideales/ (in einem bestimmten Aspekt) Modell der Demokratie vorschlägt, das /besser als jede/ der existierenden demokratischen Formen ist, was seinerseits einigen Lesern das Recht gibt, das Buch antidemokratisch zu nennen.

tags: #democracy(29)    #in german(4)    #manifestos(1)    #new models(1)    #politics(39)    #realistic(1)    #scientific(7)    #unique(1)    #utopias(4)    #funny(62)

Descrizione: This is mixed collection of funny, philosophical, sexy, and of other sorts verses, ordered chronologically, and divided by the languages, where only the poetry (with some explans) as percentages gives: Bul – 77 %, Eng – 2 %, Ger – 2 %, Rus – 19 %.
incipit: Continues. These are not really lyrical verses, yet they are in my usual thoughtful & joyful style, and can make you laugh and think, they illustrate some interesting thoughts and ideas. Here all is written in one year, little by little, between writing of serious things, and I intend to continue in this way for several years. In the short version cut is only the Bul, so that the Rus as if is present best of all.

tags: #cynically(4)    #funny(62)    #in bulgarian(27)    #in english(14)    #in german(4)    #in russian(15)    #originally(8)    #philosophically(25)    #sexy(31)    #light verses(12)

Descrizione: This is mixed collection of funny, philosoph., sexy, and of other sorts verses, ordered chronologically, and divided by the languages, where only the poetry (with some explans) as %s as full gives: Bul – 88.6 %, Eng – 4.0 %, Ger – 0.4 %, Rus – 7 %.
incipit: Continues. These are not really lyrical verses, yet they are in my usual thoughtful & joyful style, and can make you laugh and think, they illustrate some interesting thoughts and ideas. Here all is written in one year, little by little, between writing of serious things, and I intend to continue in this way for several years. In the short version cut is only the Bul, so that these verses are more or less as the others. There is an Afterword: About Bulgarian Language.

tags: #cynically(4)    #funny(62)    #in bulgarian(27)    #in english(14)    #in german(4)    #in russian(15)    #originally(8)    #philosophically(25)    #sexy(31)    #light verses(12)

Descrizione: This is a book of poetry, where all verses are acrostics, with the same vertical text BULGARIA, yet in 4 languages. English, German, Russian, Bulgarian! Plus this, because of the 1st letters, everything is transliterated, and with basic Latin!
incipit: Cont. The total amount is 840 poetical lines, where the first 2 langs give exactly by 20 %, and the second 2 give by 30 %. The topics of the verses are whatever, say, about life, men and women, nature, society and politics, some wise observations, etc. It is unbelievable that there will be readers who will understand all these languages, yet 2 are necessary and 3 are preferable. It is a work of pair of years, but at the end I have managed this difficult for me task, and in an age of nearly 75.

tags: #in bulgarian(27)    #in english(14)    #in german(4)    #in russian(15)    #multilingua(6)    #poetry(18)    #acrostics(4)

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Dedicato a tutti coloro che hanno scoperto di avere un cervello,
che hanno capito che non serve solo a riempire il cranio e che
patiscono quell'arrogante formicolio che dalle loro budella
striscia implacabile fino a detonare dalle loro mani.

A voi, astanti ed esteti dell'arte.

(Sam L. Basie)

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