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Wed 02 October, 03:33:47

Elenenco delle opere (4) relazionate dal tag "PROOFS"

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Descrizione: In Russian. Это популярное и забавное эссе о болгарском варварстве, которое написано в моей популярной и нетрадиционной манере, как и предыдущие социальные эссе.
incipit: In Russian. Это углублённое, методическое, этимологическое, философское, но и популярное и забавное эссе или студия о болгарском варварстве, со множеством примеров и сравнений между нами и другими странами. Оно длинное, но настолько /нетрадиционное/, что стоит положенных усилий по его прочтению. Не забыто и традиционное шуточное поэтическое Приложение (на английском) после конца текста.

tags: #comparisons(5)    #etymology(24)    #funny(65)    #in russian(17)    #non traditionally(24)    #philosophy(28)    #pro and contra(7)    #proofs(4)    #barbarity(8)

Descrizione: In English. This is what is said, yet written in my popular and untraditional manner like the previous social essays.
incipit: This is popular article about the proper way to get old, which includes: introduction, concrete chapters about the right look at the medicine & moderation, the dangers of fast transitional periods (to the old age), cares about the body & its organs (based on personal experiences), then about the brain, and philosophical conclusive remarks. It is intended for people after the middle of the life, about 40, but deals chiefly with pensioners. The traditional poetical Appendix is also not forgotten.

tags: #comparisons(5)    #etymology(24)    #funny(65)    #in english(16)    #non traditionally(24)    #philosophy(28)    #pro and contra(7)    #proofs(4)    #barbarity(8)

Descrizione: In English. This is what is said, yet written in my popular and untraditional manner like the previous social essays.
incipit: In English. This is a thorough, methodical, etymological, philosophical, yet also popular and funny essay or study about especially Bulgarian barbarity, with many examples and comparisons between us and the other countries. It is long, but it is so /untraditional/, that I think it is worth the efforts to read it. The usual (and funny) poetical Appendix after the end is also not forgotten.

tags: #comparisons(5)    #etymology(24)    #funny(65)    #in english(16)    #non traditionally(24)    #philosophy(28)    #pro and contra(7)    #proofs(4)    #barbarity(8)

Descrizione: In Bulgarian. Това е популярно и забавно есе за българското варварство, което е написано в моя обичаен популярен и нетрадиционен маниер, както и предишните социални есета.
incipit: In Bulgarian. Това е задълбочено, методично, етимологично, философско, но и популярно и забавно есе или студия за българското варварство, с множество примери и сравнения между нас и другите страни. То е дълго, но пък е толкова /нетрадиционно/, че си струва положените усилия за прочитането му. Не е забравено и обичайното шеговито поетично Приложение (на английски) след края на текста.

tags: #comparisons(5)    #etymology(24)    #funny(65)    #in bulgarian(28)    #non traditionally(24)    #philosophy(28)    #pro and contra(7)    #proofs(4)    #barbarity(8)

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Dedicato a tutti coloro che hanno scoperto di avere un cervello,
che hanno capito che non serve solo a riempire il cranio e che
patiscono quell'arrogante formicolio che dalle loro budella
striscia implacabile fino a detonare dalle loro mani.

A voi, astanti ed esteti dell'arte.

(Sam L. Basie)

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contributed to our growth with their suggestions and ideas.