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Tue 01 April, 00:20:27

Elenenco delle opere (2) relazionate dal tag "WORDS"

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Descrizione: These are strange letters intended to give some explanations about life through the prism of… etymology. There are also many ideas & propositions by the author, and a bit of poetry at the end of most of them, what makes the reading pleasurable.
incipit: Well, these /are/ letters, and you, as well also the other younger than me people, are some of my possible descendants, so that it is quite natural to accept that this is really so, isn't it? And I am going to tell you all some things that I know but you possibly don't, because nowadays people tend to think about nothing, so that you better accept that I am your great-great-great-grandfather, who shares his (immense) wisdom with you, not much brainy adolescents (even if you have grown quite old)

tag dell'autore: #life(6)    #light verses(13)    #nature(67)    #own ideas(8)    #philosophy(28)    #poetry(19)    #words(2)    #etymology(24)

tag automatici: #subject    #letters(66)    #animals(126)    #meaning(2)    #purpose(3)    #religion(19)    #languages(6)   #explanation

Descrizione: This is only very shortened variant (6 %), intended for first look at one enormous scientific book, the nearest genre to which is etymology, but not only. This is a book about Creation viewed through the words, also philosophical book, and so on.
incipit: This book is not what you might think it is, because it isn't work of fiction, neither dry etymological research, nor philosophical essay, but has elements of all this and something more. You may think it is some popular etymology (guide around the interesting world of words), though certain ideas that I give here are beyond any etymology and I also work in several languages (like: English, German, Bulgarian, Russian, French, Italian, Latin, Greek, even Persian and Sanskrit). …

tag dell'autore: #etymology(24)    #ideas(7)    #languages(6)    #philosophy(28)   #reading    #suggestions(4)    #words(2)   #comments

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Pagina caricata in 1.05 secondi.

Dedicato a tutti coloro che hanno scoperto di avere un cervello,
che hanno capito che non serve solo a riempire il cranio e che
patiscono quell'arrogante formicolio che dalle loro budella
striscia implacabile fino a detonare dalle loro mani.

A voi, astanti ed esteti dell'arte.

(Sam L. Basie)

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contributed to our growth with their suggestions and ideas.