Helter-Skelter (50+ Little Sonjotkas With Comments) – Abridged!

Descrizione: This is English translation of poetically-prosaic collection of 50+ shortened (to 11 lines) sonnets, which are spitting at our messed transition to democracy, that for 30 years can't finish, with many analyses & propositions; the verses are retold.
Incipit: In the original the title is "Driving through the millet" what is idiom for doing something utterly non-carefully, but I hope that for English reading audience "Helter-Skelter" sounds good enough. The manner of the verses is free-boulevard, with Botev's sarcasm in many places, and of the comments is philosophically deep, i.e. this is not plebeian negation of everything, yet the book is addressed exactly to the common people, hoping that they will try to show a bit of reason, before…
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