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Избран Христо Мирски (Колекция Публицистика)

(racconto giornalismo, lunghissimo - per tutti)
36 visite dal 03/11/2020, l'ultima: 2 settimane fa.
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Autore di quest'opera:

Descrizione: In Bulgarian. След повече от 1/4 век литературна дейност аз направих тази избрана колекция от публицистични материали (статии, части от книги, есета), които съм превел на 3 езика (английски, руски, български), всяка от по 4 тома.

Incipit: In Bulgarian. (Прод.) Томовете са: 1. Комунизъм Срещу Демокрация ; 2. Пазар, Бизнес, Икономика, 3. Социални Теми И Здравословен Живот, 4. Разни Други Неща. Тези теми не са стриктно разделени, нито подредени по най-добрия начин, но те съществуват и това е важното. Навярно е добре да се каже какво съм оставил настрани, колко много. Ами, около 10-тина процента (не повече от 20), понеже аз нямам практически нищо, което да не е актуално в момента, или да не може да стане такова при друга ситуация.

Избран Христо Мирски (Колекция Публицистика)
file: temp1.htm
size: 1,56 MB

Избран Христо Мирски (Колекция Публицистика)
file: temp2.htm
size: 968,57 KB

Избран Христо Мирски (Колекция Публицистика)
file: temp3.htm
size: 1,83 MB

Избран Христо Мирски (Колекция Публицистика)
file: temp4.htm
size: 1,33 MB

Elenco Tag dell'opera:
#bulgaria(14)    #economy(6)    #independently(6)    #morality(6)    #own ideas(8)    #politics(39)    #popularly(44)    #serious works(5)    #untraditionally(6)    #publicistics(9)

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Licenza Creative Commons
Избран Христо Мирски (Колекция Публицистика) di Chris Myrski è pubblicata sotto licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Non opere derivate 3.0 Italia.
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Elenco delle opere che condividono una o più tag con questa opera

Descrizione: This is a common folder with various papers, in which are expressed all kinds of my scientific & popular ideas, here in 3 parts: linguistical, computer programs, social questions. The initials PIR are my invention, in Russian this word means feast.
incipit: In English. In the first part are etymological and similar questions (about a world alphabet, etymology of numbers, and world transliteration with Latin chars), which are pretty specialized, in the second are programmer ideas and realizations plus one enumeration of various PIR ideas outside this PIR folder, and in the third are some ideas for the society (about law and justice, with mathematical calculations), business and banks, as also about new calendar.

tags: #business(2)    #computer science(1)    #etymology(24)    #ideas(7)    #law(2)    #propositions(20)    #realizations(2)    #serious works(5)    #scientific(7)

Descrizione: This is my, probably last, book with publicistics, or philosophical judgments about everything, which are chiefly cynical (i.e. realistic), also with some etymologies and funny verses. I hope to continue it for 5 more years, where 2020 is the zeroth.
incipit: In English. Contents of This Year || 0.00. Why This Book? | 0.01. Why This Title? About The Difficulties | 0.02. About Bulgarian Deplorable Conditions And Barbarity | 0.03. About World Population | 0.04. More About Bulgarian Barbarity | 0.05. About Emancipation | 0.06. About Going to Pension | 0.07. About Future Social Allowances | 0.08. About Exploitation | 0.09. About Communism and Fascism | 0.10. About Gloria Mundi ||

tags: #funny(62)    #judgments(3)    #philosophy(27)    #publicistics(9)    #thoughts(3)    #untraditional(3)    #verses(5)    #in english(14)

Descrizione: This is my, probably last, book with publicistics, or philosophical judgments about everything, which are chiefly cynical (i.e. realistic), also with some etymologies and funny verses. I hope to continue it for 5 more years, where 2020 is the zeroth.
incipit: In English. Contents of First Year || 1.00. About the Paradoxes | 1.01. About the Intellect and the Sciences | 1.02. About the Omnipresence of Stupidity | 1.03. About the Probability and the Existence of God | 1.04. About the /_Necessity_/ of Evil | 1.05. About the Core and the Border | 1.06. About the Several Ways to a Goal | 1.07. About the Compromises | 1.08. About the Global Warming and Some Bad Habits | 1.09. Where to After the Emancipation? | 1.10. Myself as Example ||

tags: #funny(62)    #judgments(3)    #philosophy(27)    #publicistics(9)    #thoughts(3)    #untraditional(3)    #verses(5)    #in english(14)

Descrizione: This is my, probably last, book with publicistics, or philosophical judgments about everything, which are chiefly cynical (i.e. realistic), also with some etymologies and funny verses. I hope to continue it for 5 more years, where 2022 is the second.
incipit: In English. Contents of Second Year || 2.00. About the Left and the Right | 2.01. About Neo-Communism | 2.02. About Contemporary Totalitarianism | 2.03. About Good Things Thrown Out | 2.04. About New Kind of Families | 2.05. About Mutual Consent in the Business | 2.06. The Best Ever Party — Manifesto | 2.07. The Best Ever Party — Program | 2.08. The Best Ever Party — Codex | 2.09. About Our Inaptitude to Give | 2.10. About Immorality of Capitalism ||

tags: #funny(62)    #in english(14)    #judgments(3)    #philosophy(27)    #thoughts(3)    #untraditional(3)    #verses(5)    #publicistics(9)

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Pagina caricata in 0.18 secondi.

Dedicato a tutti coloro che hanno scoperto di avere un cervello,
che hanno capito che non serve solo a riempire il cranio e che
patiscono quell'arrogante formicolio che dalle loro budella
striscia implacabile fino a detonare dalle loro mani.

A voi, astanti ed esteti dell'arte.

(Sam L. Basie)

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contributed to our growth with their suggestions and ideas.