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Democratic Values (Political Essay)

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Tempo di lettura: 12 / 18 minuti
38 visite dal 31/08/2017, l'ultima: 2 mesi fa.
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Descrizione: This is an unorthodox article about the morality and the democracy explaining some basic, yet misunderstood, points about the democracy, in what way it is good and in what bad, why it has no morality, and how we can better it a little.

Incipit: *0. Stating Of The Question* | Very often in the latter years I have been highly alarmed by the commonly used phrase about the "democratic values" which we have to defend, insist upon them, apply in our work, turn into reality, maintain constantly, and so on, meaning some moral values that have come to life with the democracy, but the point is, though I much regret to say this, that it could /not/ be true by the simple fact that *the democracy itself has no moral values*!…

Democratic Values (Political Essay)
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Tempo di lettura: 12 / 18 minuti
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#critically(8)    #funny poetry(18)    #morality(6)    #non traditionally(24)    #popularly(44)    #democracy(29)

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Democratic Values (Political Essay) di Chris Myrski è pubblicata sotto licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Non opere derivate 3.0 Italia.
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Descrizione: In Serbian. Овде дајем у духовитој форми објашњење зашто ја не волим демократију, шта јој недостаје да би била довољно добра за интелигентне људе. Зато што она изгледа добро из даљине, али у својој суштини је само лепа лаж.
incipit: Садржај | 0. Дефиниција | 1. Немогућност оваквог решења | 2. Овај поступак се не примењује нигде другде | 3. Демократија у старој Грчкој | 4. Нулто решење | 5. Стратешко и тактичко управљање | 6. Сјајно и неразумно! | 7. Најбоља… дуда за становништво! | 8. Постоји лоша репрезентативност | 9. Подела овлашћења | 10. Законитост против морала | 11. Морални лик политичара | 12. Женска управљање | 13. Остали тренуци | 14. Предности и недостаци | 15. Закључни коментари |

tags: #drawbacks(17)    #funny(62)    #humorous form(17)    #many languages(14)    #popularly(44)    #propositions(20)    #serious reading(19)    #unorthodox(17)    #democracy(29)

Descrizione: In Bulgarian. Тук аз давам в хумористична форма разяснения за това, защо аз не харесвам демокрацията, какво ù липсва за да бъде тя достатъчно добра за интелигентни хора. Защото отдалеч тя изглежда добре, но в своята същност е просто една красива лъжа.
incipit: Съдържание | 0. Дефиниция | 1. Невъзможност на това решение | 2. Тази процедура не се прилага никъде другаде | 3. Демокрацията в Древна Гърция | 4. Нулево решение | 5. Стратегическо и тактическо управление | 6. Велико и неразумно! | 7. Най-добрия… биберон за народа! | 8. Цари лоша представителност | 9. Разделение на властите | 10. Законност срещу морал | 11. Морален облик на политиците | 12. Женско управление | 13. Други моменти | 14. Преимущества и недостатъци | 15. Заключителни коментари |

tags: #drawbacks(17)    #funny(62)    #humorous form(17)    #many languages(14)    #popularly(44)    #propositions(20)    #serious reading(19)    #unorthodox(17)    #democracy(29)

Descrizione: Here is made comparison of more than a dozen contemporary languages, incl. Roman, Teutonic, and Slavonic, in which I have translated my paper about democracy. For each language are given some statistical data and in is told what I mean about it.
incipit: This is pretty scientific paper, but it is popularly written and uses no special terms, so that it can be read by everybody. It must be added that the expressed here ideas are quite new and questionable, yet I provide pretty good argumentation about everything. The conclusion is that the easiest language in the world (or at least from the used ones) is *Bulgarian*, what may seem strange for many readers, and because of this I advice everybody to read my Democracy paper at least in two languages.

tags: #grammatical(1)    #popularly(44)    #roman languages(1)    #simplicity of languages(1)    #slavonic languages(2)    #teutonic languages(2)    #unique comparison(1)    #phonetics(4)

(racconto politico, lunghissimo)  di nwChris Myrski
Descrizione: In German. Dieses Genre nenne ich "Politistik", als alles, was über die Sozialpolitik gesagt werden kann, hier etwas wie politische Science-Fiction oder verschiedene Utopien, aber auch Kritik der Demokratie.
incipit: In German. Das Buch sieht aus wie eine Sammlung von Manifesten von Dutzend politischen Parteien (plus 2 Zusätze). Sie sind sehr verschieden, hauptsächlich ironisch oder satirisch, aber völlig vernünftig. Die gemeinsame verbindende Idee ist, dass jeder von ihnen ein /ideales/ (in einem bestimmten Aspekt) Modell der Demokratie vorschlägt, das /besser als jede/ der existierenden demokratischen Formen ist, was seinerseits einigen Lesern das Recht gibt, das Buch antidemokratisch zu nennen.

tags: #democracy(29)    #in german(4)    #manifestos(1)    #new models(1)    #politics(39)    #realistic(1)    #scientific(7)    #unique(1)    #utopias(4)    #funny(62)

Descrizione: The paper is in English. | Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative about both, our democratic poverty, and our barbarity.
incipit: Cont. The point is that such is the behaviour of common people, not of highly placed political figures, so that our poor democratic achievements are results not only of objective circumstances but also, and predominantly, of our /_inborn barbarity_/ in a country of unbelievers! The material is in form of really written letters to the neighbours, which all have remained without proper actions on the part of the masses. Because it turned out to be pretty big, I have split it in 2 parts.

tags: #barbarity(8)    #democracy(29)    #funny(62)    #neighbours(4)    #real letters(4)    #bulgaria(14)

Descrizione: The paper is in German. Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative about both, our democratic poverty, and our barbarity.
incipit: *_CONTENTS_* (in the corresponding language) | In the first part: | Title & Contents -1. Preliminary remarks | 0. Picturing of the situation | 1. First letter | 2. Second letter | 3. Third letter | 4. Fourth letter | 5. Fifth letter | 6. Sixth letter | +1. Intermediate conclusion | In the second part: | -2. Short second introduction | 7. Seventh letter | 8. Eighth letter | 9. Ninth letter | 10. Tenth letter | 11. Eleventh letter | 12. Twelfth letter | +2. Closing remarks ||

tags: #barbarity(8)    #democracy(29)    #funny(62)    #neighbours(4)    #real letters(4)    #bulgaria(14)

Descrizione: In Russian. Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big apartment building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative about both, our democratic poverty, and our barbarity.
incipit: *_CONTENTS_* (in the corresponding language) | In the first part: | Title & Contents -1. Preliminary remarks | 0. Picturing of the situation | 1. First letter | 2. Second letter | 3. Third letter | 4. Fourth letter | 5. Fifth letter | 6. Sixth letter | +1. Intermediate conclusion | In the second part: | -2. Short second introduction | 7. Seventh letter | 8. Eighth letter | 9. Ninth letter | 10. Tenth letter | 11. Eleventh letter | 12. Twelfth letter | +2. Closing remarks ||

tags: #barbarity(8)    #democracy(29)    #funny(62)    #neighbours(4)    #real letters(4)    #bulgaria(14)

Descrizione: The paper is in Bulgarian. Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative about both, our democratic poverty, and our barbarity.
incipit: *_CONTENTS_* (in the corresponding language) | In the first part: | Title & Contents -1. Preliminary remarks | 0. Picturing of the situation | 1. First letter | 2. Second letter | 3. Third letter | 4. Fourth letter | 5. Fifth letter | 6. Sixth letter | +1. Intermediate conclusion | In the second part: | -2. Short second introduction | 7. Seventh letter | 8. Eighth letter | 9. Ninth letter | 10. Tenth letter | 11. Eleventh letter | 12. Twelfth letter | +2. Closing remarks ||

tags: #barbarity(8)    #democracy(29)    #funny(62)    #neighbours(4)    #real letters(4)    #bulgaria(14)

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