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И Таз Добра! (Публицистика — в три части)

(racconto giornalismo, lunghissimo - per tutti)
Tempo di lettura: oltre due ore
61 visite dal 22/04/2018, l'ultima: 5 giorni fa.
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Descrizione: In Bulgarian. Тук са 3 тома на моята публицистика, включваща 4 раздела: "За Списания", "За Вестници", "Фейлетони" и "Други", която обхваща много голям период от време, от към 1990-та и до 2017, когато реших най-после да затворя тази огромна книга.

Incipit: In Bulgarian. Тази книга съдържа всякаква моя публицистика, писана през периода на демократичния преход у нас, който започна през 1989 година, но за почти 30 години още не е свършил, съдейки по нашите темпове и бъркотии. Все пак даже към 2000-та се насъбраха доста неща и аз реших да ги събера на едно място. На базата на времето, в които те са писани, е логично да се очаква, че те третират основно феномена наречен демокрация…

И Таз Добра! (Публицистика — в три части)
file: temp1.htm
size: 1,15 MB
Tempo di lettura: oltre due ore
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И Таз Добра! (Публицистика — в три части)
file: temp2.htm
size: 897,43 KB
Tempo di lettura: oltre due ore
(se Leggi e ascolta non funziona bene,
clicca e scarica il documento originale (nwinfo))

И Таз Добра! (Публицистика — в три части)
file: temp3.htm
size: 833,56 KB
(se Leggi e ascolta non funziona bene,
clicca e scarica il documento originale (nwinfo))

Elenco Tag dell'opera:
#bulgaria(14)    #economy(6)    #in bulgarian(28)    #independently(6)    #own ideas(8)    #politics(42)    #popularly(44)    #serious works(5)    #untraditionally(6)    #publicistics(10)

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Licenza Creative Commons
И Таз Добра! (Публицистика — в три части) di Chris Myrski è pubblicata sotto licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Non opere derivate 3.0 Italia.
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Elenco delle opere che condividono una o più tag con questa opera

Descrizione: In Czech. Zde vtipně podám vysvětlení, proč nemám rád demokracii, co jí chybí, aby byla dost dobrá pro inteligentní lidi. Protože to vypadá dobře z dálky, ale v jádru je to jen krásná lež.
incipit: Obsah | 0. Definice | 1. Nemožnost tohoto řešení | 2. Tento postup se nikde jinde nepoužívá | 3. Demokracie ve starověkém Řecku | 4. Nulové řešení | 5. Strategické a taktické řízení | 6. Skvělé a nerozumné! | 7. Nejlepší… dudlík pro populaci! | 8. Vládne špatná reprezentativnost | 9. Rozdělení pravomocí | 10. Zákonnost proti morálka | 11. Morální obraz politiků | 12. Ženska vlada | 13. Další okamžiky | 14. Výhody a nevýhody | 15. Závěrečné komentáře |

tags: #drawbacks(17)    #funny(65)    #humorous form(17)    #many languages(14)    #popularly(44)    #propositions(20)    #serious reading(19)    #unorthodox(17)    #democracy(29)

Descrizione: In Slovak. Tu vtipnou formou ja podávam vysvetlenie, prečo nemám rada demokraciu, čo jej chýba, aby bola dosť dobrá pre inteligentných ľudí. Pretože z diaľky ona vyzerá dobre, ale vo svojej podstate je len krásna lož.
incipit: Obsah | 0. Definícia | 1. Nemožnosť tohto riešenia | 2. Tento postup sa nepoužíva nikde inde | 3. Demokracia v starovekom Grécku | 4. Nulové riešenie | 5. Strategické a taktické riadenie | 6. Skvelé a nerozumné! | 7. Najlepší… cumlík pre populáciu! | 8. Vládne zlá reprezentatívnosť | 9. Rozdelenie právomocí | 10. Zákonnosť proti morálke | 11. Morálny obraz politikov | 12. Ženské rozhodnutie | 13. Ostatné okamihy | 14. Výhody a nevýhody | 15. Záverečné komentáre |

tags: #drawbacks(17)    #funny(65)    #humorous form(17)    #many languages(14)    #popularly(44)    #propositions(20)    #serious reading(19)    #unorthodox(17)    #democracy(29)

Descrizione: In Serbian. Овде дајем у духовитој форми објашњење зашто ја не волим демократију, шта јој недостаје да би била довољно добра за интелигентне људе. Зато што она изгледа добро из даљине, али у својој суштини је само лепа лаж.
incipit: Садржај | 0. Дефиниција | 1. Немогућност оваквог решења | 2. Овај поступак се не примењује нигде другде | 3. Демократија у старој Грчкој | 4. Нулто решење | 5. Стратешко и тактичко управљање | 6. Сјајно и неразумно! | 7. Најбоља… дуда за становништво! | 8. Постоји лоша репрезентативност | 9. Подела овлашћења | 10. Законитост против морала | 11. Морални лик политичара | 12. Женска управљање | 13. Остали тренуци | 14. Предности и недостаци | 15. Закључни коментари |

tags: #drawbacks(17)    #funny(65)    #humorous form(17)    #many languages(14)    #popularly(44)    #propositions(20)    #serious reading(19)    #unorthodox(17)    #democracy(29)

Descrizione: In Bulgarian. Тук аз давам в хумористична форма разяснения за това, защо аз не харесвам демокрацията, какво ù липсва за да бъде тя достатъчно добра за интелигентни хора. Защото отдалеч тя изглежда добре, но в своята същност е просто една красива лъжа.
incipit: Съдържание | 0. Дефиниция | 1. Невъзможност на това решение | 2. Тази процедура не се прилага никъде другаде | 3. Демокрацията в Древна Гърция | 4. Нулево решение | 5. Стратегическо и тактическо управление | 6. Велико и неразумно! | 7. Най-добрия… биберон за народа! | 8. Цари лоша представителност | 9. Разделение на властите | 10. Законност срещу морал | 11. Морален облик на политиците | 12. Женско управление | 13. Други моменти | 14. Преимущества и недостатъци | 15. Заключителни коментари |

tags: #drawbacks(17)    #funny(65)    #humorous form(17)    #many languages(14)    #popularly(44)    #propositions(20)    #serious reading(19)    #unorthodox(17)    #democracy(29)

Descrizione: Here is made comparison of more than a dozen contemporary languages, incl. Roman, Teutonic, and Slavonic, in which I have translated my paper about democracy. For each language are given some statistical data and in is told what I mean about it.
incipit: This is pretty scientific paper, but it is popularly written and uses no special terms, so that it can be read by everybody. It must be added that the expressed here ideas are quite new and questionable, yet I provide pretty good argumentation about everything. The conclusion is that the easiest language in the world (or at least from the used ones) is *Bulgarian*, what may seem strange for many readers, and because of this I advice everybody to read my Democracy paper at least in two languages.

tags: #grammatical(1)    #popularly(44)    #roman languages(1)    #simplicity of languages(1)    #slavonic languages(2)    #teutonic languages(2)    #unique comparison(1)    #phonetics(4)

Descrizione: This is a common folder with various papers, in which are expressed all kinds of my scientific & popular ideas, here in 3 parts: linguistical, computer programs, social questions. The initials PIR are my invention, in Russian this word means feast.
incipit: In English. In the first part are etymological and similar questions (about a world alphabet, etymology of numbers, and world transliteration with Latin chars), which are pretty specialized, in the second are programmer ideas and realizations plus one enumeration of various PIR ideas outside this PIR folder, and in the third are some ideas for the society (about law and justice, with mathematical calculations), business and banks, as also about new calendar.

tags: #business(2)    #computer science(1)    #etymology(24)    #ideas(7)    #law(2)    #propositions(20)    #realizations(2)    #serious works(5)    #scientific(7)

Descrizione: This is my, probably last, book with publicistics, or philosophical judgments about everything, which are chiefly cynical (i.e. realistic), also with some etymologies and funny verses. I hope to continue it for 5 more years, where 2020 is the zeroth.
incipit: In English. Contents of This Year || 0.00. Why This Book? | 0.01. Why This Title? About The Difficulties | 0.02. About Bulgarian Deplorable Conditions And Barbarity | 0.03. About World Population | 0.04. More About Bulgarian Barbarity | 0.05. About Emancipation | 0.06. About Going to Pension | 0.07. About Future Social Allowances | 0.08. About Exploitation | 0.09. About Communism and Fascism | 0.10. About Gloria Mundi ||

tags: #funny(65)    #judgments(4)    #philosophy(28)    #publicistics(10)    #thoughts(4)    #untraditional(4)    #verses(6)    #in english(16)

Descrizione: This is my, probably last, book with publicistics, or philosophical judgments about everything, which are chiefly cynical (i.e. realistic), also with some etymologies and funny verses. I hope to continue it for 5 more years, where 2020 is the zeroth.
incipit: In English. Contents of First Year || 1.00. About the Paradoxes | 1.01. About the Intellect and the Sciences | 1.02. About the Omnipresence of Stupidity | 1.03. About the Probability and the Existence of God | 1.04. About the /_Necessity_/ of Evil | 1.05. About the Core and the Border | 1.06. About the Several Ways to a Goal | 1.07. About the Compromises | 1.08. About the Global Warming and Some Bad Habits | 1.09. Where to After the Emancipation? | 1.10. Myself as Example ||

tags: #funny(65)    #judgments(4)    #philosophy(28)    #publicistics(10)    #thoughts(4)    #untraditional(4)    #verses(6)    #in english(16)

Descrizione: This is my, probably last, book with publicistics, or philosophical judgments about everything, which are chiefly cynical (i.e. realistic), also with some etymologies and funny verses. I hope to continue it for 5 more years, where 2022 is the second.
incipit: In English. Contents of Second Year || 2.00. About the Left and the Right | 2.01. About Neo-Communism | 2.02. About Contemporary Totalitarianism | 2.03. About Good Things Thrown Out | 2.04. About New Kind of Families | 2.05. About Mutual Consent in the Business | 2.06. The Best Ever Party — Manifesto | 2.07. The Best Ever Party — Program | 2.08. The Best Ever Party — Codex | 2.09. About Our Inaptitude to Give | 2.10. About Immorality of Capitalism ||

tags: #funny(65)    #in english(16)    #judgments(4)    #philosophy(28)    #thoughts(4)    #untraditional(4)    #verses(6)    #publicistics(10)

Descrizione: This is my, probably last, book with publicistics, or philosophical judgments about everything, which are chiefly cynical (i.e. realistic), also with some etymologies and funny verses. I hope to continue it for 5 more years, where 2023 is the third.
incipit: In English. Contents of Third Year || 3.00. Between Barbarity and Morality | 3.01. About main current and lateral rivulets | 3.02. About the toleration to the different | 3.03. About the freedom and the slavery | 3.04. About no demand for good deeds | 3.05. About the barbarity of … the laws | 3.06. About Bulgarian people | 3.07. About Bulgarian language | 3.08. About Bulgarian … perdition | 3.09. About the communism and … the Zionism | 3.10. About the niceness of civilized … barbarity ||

tags: #funny(65)    #in english(16)    #judgments(4)    #philosophy(28)    #thoughts(4)    #untraditional(4)    #verses(6)    #publicistics(10)

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Dedicato a tutti coloro che hanno scoperto di avere un cervello,
che hanno capito che non serve solo a riempire il cranio e che
patiscono quell'arrogante formicolio che dalle loro budella
striscia implacabile fino a detonare dalle loro mani.

A voi, astanti ed esteti dell'arte.

(Sam L. Basie)

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contributed to our growth with their suggestions and ideas.