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Barbaria, My Poor Land, I Mourn 'Cause Therès No Amend (Sixty Six Humorous Sextets) – English Adaptation – Now Entirely!

(poesia umorismo, medio - per adulti)
50 visite dal 02/12/2021, l'ultima: 2 mesi fa.
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Descrizione: This is English adaptation of prosaic part, of one unexpected poetical impromptu, this time sextets of type ABABBA. These things in the most shameless manner spit at our democratic "achievements", that put us at the rightful last place in the EU.

Incipit: This is my variant of mass protests in Bulgaria in the 2020, only that I don't cry "Down with this Government (let a new one takes place)!" but criticize the whole botched transition to our utmost /right-wing/ democracy, which turned to a long, 30 years for the moment, /war devastation/ of the country, which will end (after quarter to half century) with our disappearance as a country, not only in absolute number of the citizens, but also in sense of Bulgarian ethnicity!

Questa opera è riservata a un pubblico adulto.

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Elenco Tag dell'opera:
#anti democratic(2)    #funny(62)    #in english(14)    #inimitable(4)    #poetry(18)    #political review(2)    #retelling of verses(1)    #sarcastic(2)    #critically(8)

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Licenza Creative Commons
Barbaria, My Poor Land, I Mourn 'Cause Therès No Amend (Sixty Six Humorous Sextets) – English Adaptation – Now Entirely! di Jotata – Atatoj è pubblicata sotto licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Non opere derivate 3.0 Italia.
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Elenco delle opere che condividono una o più tag con questa opera

Descrizione: The paper is in German. Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative about both, our democratic poverty, and our barbarity.
incipit: *_CONTENTS_* (in the corresponding language) | In the first part: | Title & Contents -1. Preliminary remarks | 0. Picturing of the situation | 1. First letter | 2. Second letter | 3. Third letter | 4. Fourth letter | 5. Fifth letter | 6. Sixth letter | +1. Intermediate conclusion | In the second part: | -2. Short second introduction | 7. Seventh letter | 8. Eighth letter | 9. Ninth letter | 10. Tenth letter | 11. Eleventh letter | 12. Twelfth letter | +2. Closing remarks ||

tags: #barbarity(8)    #democracy(29)    #funny(62)    #neighbours(4)    #real letters(4)    #bulgaria(14)

Descrizione: In Russian. Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big apartment building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative about both, our democratic poverty, and our barbarity.
incipit: *_CONTENTS_* (in the corresponding language) | In the first part: | Title & Contents -1. Preliminary remarks | 0. Picturing of the situation | 1. First letter | 2. Second letter | 3. Third letter | 4. Fourth letter | 5. Fifth letter | 6. Sixth letter | +1. Intermediate conclusion | In the second part: | -2. Short second introduction | 7. Seventh letter | 8. Eighth letter | 9. Ninth letter | 10. Tenth letter | 11. Eleventh letter | 12. Twelfth letter | +2. Closing remarks ||

tags: #barbarity(8)    #democracy(29)    #funny(62)    #neighbours(4)    #real letters(4)    #bulgaria(14)

Descrizione: The paper is in Bulgarian. Here are described petty quarrels about trifles in a little neighbourhood (entrance of big building) in Bulgaria, which are indicative about both, our democratic poverty, and our barbarity.
incipit: *_CONTENTS_* (in the corresponding language) | In the first part: | Title & Contents -1. Preliminary remarks | 0. Picturing of the situation | 1. First letter | 2. Second letter | 3. Third letter | 4. Fourth letter | 5. Fifth letter | 6. Sixth letter | +1. Intermediate conclusion | In the second part: | -2. Short second introduction | 7. Seventh letter | 8. Eighth letter | 9. Ninth letter | 10. Tenth letter | 11. Eleventh letter | 12. Twelfth letter | +2. Closing remarks ||

tags: #barbarity(8)    #democracy(29)    #funny(62)    #neighbours(4)    #real letters(4)    #bulgaria(14)

Descrizione: In English. This is English adaptation of my latest ideas for worldwide alphabet going out from Bulgarian language as the better from all Slavonic (& other) languages. From now on this material becomes the first on the topic.
incipit: The topic of this material isn't new for me, it has a history of more than 10 (rather 20) years and I have dedicated to it several materials, both in English and Russian, like, in the beginning "An Illiterate World", after some time "Myrski's English transliteration", then a whole folder in Russian titled "Для всех СНГ-ейцев " ("For All CIS People"), and later on adapted folder of the former titled "For Arabs, Chinese, and Hindus (the best world language". …

tags: #bulgarian alphabet(2)    #graphical image(2)    #in english(14)    #last version(2)    #new letters(2)    #types of phonemes(2)    #world alphabet(2)    #bulgarian language(3)

Descrizione: This is a book of poetry, where all verses are acrostics, with the same vertical text BULGARIA, yet in 4 languages. English, German, Russian, Bulgarian! Plus this, because of the 1st letters, everything is transliterated, and with basic Latin!
incipit: Cont. The total amount is 840 poetical lines, where the first 2 langs give exactly by 20 %, and the second 2 give by 30 %. The topics of the verses are whatever, say, about life, men and women, nature, society and politics, some wise observations, etc. It is unbelievable that there will be readers who will understand all these languages, yet 2 are necessary and 3 are preferable. It is a work of pair of years, but at the end I have managed this difficult for me task, and in an age of nearly 75.

tags: #in bulgarian(27)    #in english(14)    #in german(4)    #in russian(15)    #multilingua(6)    #poetry(18)    #acrostics(4)

(poesia narrativa, brevissimo)  di nwGiulia Andretta
Descrizione: Breve poesia sull'inverno, che viene umanizzato e reso quasi una metafora di vita verso chi è introverso e particolarmente sensibile.

tags: #freddo(24)    #introspezione(31)    #neve(45)    #poetry(18)    #sensibilita(1)    #stagioni(18)

Descrizione: In Russian. Здесь вещи связанные с автором, но это не биография, материалы интересные. Их 6 штук: Мирский против Мирского, Ах, госпожи, господа!, Условия для печатания Мирского, Творческое завещание Мирского, и Письмо Мирского ПрезидентАМ России.
incipit: In Russian. Коротко./ Мирский против Мирского - Обзор творчества автора, но в форме шуточного диалога со своим антиподом./ Ах, госпожи, господа! - Самореклама автора в поэтической форме, которая годится для первого знакомства с ним./ Условия для печатания Мирского - Материал не для читателей, а для издателей автора./ Творческое завещание Мирского - Это тоже не для читателей, а для владельцев сайтов посмертно./ Письмо Мирского ПрезидентАМ России – Это очень интересный заключительный материал./

tags: #biographical moments(3)    #creative testament(3)    #future plans(3)    #jokes(4)    #poetry(18)    #review(3)    #self advertising(1)    #conglomerate folder(3)

Descrizione: In Bulgarian. Тук има неща свързани с автора, но това не е автобиография и материалите са интересни. Засега те са 5: Мирски срещу Мирски, Обява, Условия за печатане на Мирски, Творческо завещание на Мирски, и Затворено писмо до магазин "Мухоловка".
incipit: In Bulgarian. Накратко./ Мирски срещу Мирски – Обзор на творч-то на автора, но под формата на комичен диалог със своя антипод./ Обява – Хуморист. обява от автора в поетична форма, в римска терца, по случай излизането му в пенсия./ Условия за печатане на Мирски - Материалът не е за читателите, а за възможни издатели./ Творческо завещание на Мирски - Също не е за читатели, а за собственици на сайтове посмъртно./ Затворено писмо до магазин "Мухоловка" – смешно, но реално писмо, силно допълнено./

tags: #biographical moments(3)    #conglomerate folder(3)    #creative testament(3)    #funny advertising(1)    #future plans(3)    #jokes(4)    #poetry(18)    #review(3)

Descrizione: These are strange letters intended to give some explanations about life through the prism of… etymology. There are also many ideas & propositions by the author, and a bit of poetry at the end of most of them, what makes the reading pleasurable.
incipit: Well, these /are/ letters, and you, as well also the other younger than me people, are some of my possible descendants, so that it is quite natural to accept that this is really so, isn't it? And I am going to tell you all some things that I know but you possibly don't, because nowadays people tend to think about nothing, so that you better accept that I am your great-great-great-grandfather, who shares his (immense) wisdom with you, not much brainy adolescents (even if you have grown quite old)

tags: #life(6)    #light verses(12)    #nature(61)    #own ideas(8)    #philosophy(27)    #poetry(18)    #words(2)    #etymology(24)

Descrizione: This is an unorthodox article about the morality and the democracy explaining some basic, yet misunderstood, points about the democracy, in what way it is good and in what bad, why it has no morality, and how we can better it a little.
incipit: *0. Stating Of The Question* | Very often in the latter years I have been highly alarmed by the commonly used phrase about the "democratic values" which we have to defend, insist upon them, apply in our work, turn into reality, maintain constantly, and so on, meaning some moral values that have come to life with the democracy, but the point is, though I much regret to say this, that it could /not/ be true by the simple fact that *the democracy itself has no moral values*!…

tags: #critically(8)    #funny poetry(18)    #morality(6)    #non traditionally(24)    #popularly(44)    #democracy(29)

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Dedicato a tutti coloro che hanno scoperto di avere un cervello,
che hanno capito che non serve solo a riempire il cranio e che
patiscono quell'arrogante formicolio che dalle loro budella
striscia implacabile fino a detonare dalle loro mani.

A voi, astanti ed esteti dell'arte.

(Sam L. Basie)

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